Does your yard seem like a boring square or rectangle of green grass with nothing to add visual interest or make the space appealing? If so, you need to add a few landscaping elements to make your landscaping pop. The following are a few design techniques that work well.
Add Some Islands
One of the first tasks is to break up the level green expanse, and the simplest way to do this to add some island plantings. Existing trees and shrubs can provide the islands, or you can start from scratch. Symmetrical round or square islands work well around a tree or bush. Simply outline the bed around the tree with edging, install weed-blocking fabric, and cover the ground with mulch. You can then plant flowers or foliage plants for further interest. If there is no tree, you can play with shape. For example, outline and mulch a kidney-shaped island that follows the contours of the land.
Foundation plantings are another option for adding some visual interest right up against the house. Again, begin by edging the proposed bed and mulching well. You can then plant flowers, foliage plants, or low bushes to soften the transition from the lawn to the walls of your home.
Vary the Height
A level flat yard, particularly one where most of the plants fall into one or two height ranges, is bland and boring. Varying the height of the plantings helps. For example, in an island bed begin with a focal point in the center of symmetrical beds or towards one side in asymmetrical beds. A tree, shrub, or even a yard ornament like a statue works well. Surround the focal point with medium-height plants, either greenery or flowering. Finally, add in some low-growing annuals in front of and interspersed with the medium height plants.
You can also change the topography to add height variation. For example, build up the soil in the island to create a gentle hill. Or, you can create lower areas by installing a dry creek bed. Even decorative boulders provide an option for topography changes.
Create an Anchor Point
The anchor point is the main area that draws the eye. Many people use an object as the anchor point, such as a fountain or statue. Utilitarian items can also be turned into an anchor point, such as a gazebo, arbor, or bench.
Plants can also make attractive anchor points. For example, if you have a flowering cherry tree but not many other trees, then you may want to make it the main feature of your landscape.
For more help, contact a landscaping service in your area.