Understanding The Fundamentals Of Tree Sapling Care

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If you are planning on planting some new trees in your yard this spring, it's important that you understand how to take care of those saplings during the ever-crucial first year of growth. Before you plant those trees, it's in your best interest to be prepared. Here are some of the things that you need to think about to ensure that you give your new additions the best possible start.

Provide Sufficient Water

Newly planted trees need a lot of water to help the trees survive during the rooting process. When you first replant a tree, it puts the tree into a state of shock, so it needs careful nurturing to ensure that it survives.

The first thing to consider is that your tree will need to be deeply watered for the first few weeks. This means slow, prolonged watering on a daily basis. The slow watering ensures that the water soaks into the soil and reaches the roots instead of running off.

After the first few weeks, you'll want to be sure that you water the tree at least once a week. Consider rainfall when you water the tree so that it doesn't get over-watered, and so that you account for dry periods and water extra when necessary.

This means being familiar with how much water your trees need based on the type of tree. You may need to talk to a tree care specialist about each of the trees in your yard to be sure that you understand how much water each one needs.

Apply Mulch Properly

Mulch is an important investment for protecting the roots of your trees, especially when they are young and still establishing in the soil. However, mulch needs to be properly applied to be effective.

If you mound the mulch too thick, you'll risk creating a cool, damp environment under the tree that can allow the roots to grow mold and mildew. This isn't healthy for the tree. Instead, you want to keep the mulch even and thin, around two inches thick. 

Start the mulch layer about an inch from the tree trunk, and spread it out so that it covers the entire drip zone of the tree. That means covering the soil as far out as the leaves will drip when the tree is wet. 

Choose an organic mulch, and replace it every year to ensure that the roots retain water and the soil still maintains consistent air circulation. Contact a company like Horton Tree Service if you need help with tree care.


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