When there is snow sitting on the ground, you might wonder what you can do to help your hibernating lawn. Although it might seem pointless, doing what you can to protect your garden can help your grass to come in strong when the weather warms. Here are three important turf management tips for late winter.
1. Prevent Repeated Foot Traffic
During the winter, you might have slightly different outdoor movement patterns. For instance, while many people park their cars in the garage, you may be faced with walking across your lawn daily to access your driveway or parking spot on the curb.
Unfortunately, repeated foot traffic over a hibernating lawn can be hard on the root system. Over time, the ground can become impacted, further complicated by the fact that the lawn is saturated with water and frozen.
To protect your grass, never walk over the lawn repeatedly in the same spot. Instead, focus on mixing up your walking patterns and avoiding heavy impact in the same areas repeatedly.
2. Remove Dead Leaves When You Can
While it isn't possible to rake a ground covered in snow, do your best to remove organic debris in between snowstorms when the snow melts. When you can see the grass, do what you can to rake up dead leaves that may become trapped between the snow and the surface of your sod.
Decomposing leaves can change the chemical balance of the grass, resulting in dead spots. Dead leaves can also become matted together, blocking sunlight and resulting in barren patches. By removing them carefully with a rake, you can allow your lawn to grow in properly.
3. Avoid Chemical De-Icers Around Your Lawn
Certain additives to melt ice and snow can kill your grass. If you need to remove snow and ice along driveways or sidewalks, use a snow shovel and carefully remove the snow by hand instead of by using a deicer.
If you need traction, consider a lawn-safe additive, such as sand or gravel. Use the smallest amounts possible, and in the spring, sweep it up to keep it from damaging lawn care equipment like lawnmowers.
Remember, you are never alone in your mission for gorgeous grass. If you need help with your lawn, reach out to professionals who offer turf management services. During winter and spring, these professionals can apply fertilizers that help the grass to grow in weed-free, and during the summer and fall, other additives can prevent mold, mildew, and pest infestations.