Leaking Lawn Sprinklers and Other Landscaping Irrigation System Problems

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When looking to repair sprinkler leaks, there are several things to consider. Is the water coming from the sprinkler heads or the irrigation piping? Do you have a broken or failed sprinkler head, or is it just regular wear and tear? These are some of the questions to ask when looking to repair your sprinklers. The following landscaping irrigation system repair information will help you fix these issues before winter strikes:

Seal or Replace the Sprinkler Heads

You should check the sprinkler heads for leaks. Seal or replace the head if necessary, and then check the water lines for leaks. This will let you know whether it's time to get a water line replacement. A poorly designed and maintained system can end up costing a homeowner a lot of money in repairs. A leaky sprinkler head can also cause damage to surrounding landscaping. Another problem with damaged sprinkler heads is the possibility of a leak causing your sprinkler system to malfunction. One of the common issues is a broken or malfunctioning backflow prevention device, which is needed for many modern irrigation systems. Checking the sprinkler head, pipes, and other irrigation components every year can go a long way to prevent these problems.

Check Irrigation Waterflow

You should also the water flow. Turn the valve off that feeds the irrigation system and check your water meter. If the water meter is moving, you're likely to have a leak somewhere. Next, you want to check each sprinkler head. Look for signs of rust or corrosion. A sprinkler head that is corroded or rusty needs to be replaced to prevent water loss. Finally, check out the irrigation zones. Look for signs of clogged spray nozzles.

Repairing Irrigation Pipe Leaks 

An irrigation system isn't much good if it's not working properly. It's important to inspect your system regularly, looking for signs of leaks or other problems. After that, they may need repairs. A leaking irrigation system can cause significant damage to a yard. Repairing a leak may be as simple as tightening a valve. If the problem is more serious, it might be necessary to replace the pipe causing the problems.

Filling Irrigation Lines with Air

Fall means the temperatures are dropping, and it's time to put winterization procedures in place for irrigation systems. Before disconnecting your irrigation system for the winter, it's important to remove water from any hose bibs or irrigation lines to prevent freezing. After you have disconnected the irrigation lines from the mainline, it's time to blow air into the lines. This will ensure your irrigation system is safe from cold temperatures that can cause water to freeze and damage pipes or sprinkler heads.

If you are experiencing problems with your landscaping irrigation system, contact a sprinkler repair service. They can also winterize your system and disconnect the backflow prevention device before winter.

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